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Northern vegetables

What are the northern vegetables ?

The oceanic climate and shady soils make it possible to grow northern vegetables. These include leafy vegetables, seed vegetables, root vegetables and alliums.

Leafy vegetables

There are various varieties of leafy vegetables; vegetables where only the leaves are edible. These include spinach, cabbage, celery, artichokes and cauliflower. They are highly nutritious and are often appreciated for their vitamin, antioxidant and mineral content.

sécheresse Chou fleurFocus on cauliflower

Cauliflower is a vegetable plant of the brassica family, cultivated for its soft and fleshy white meristem. It is eaten raw or cooked, in salads or au gratin for example.

Seed vegetables

Seed vegetables are specifically grown for their edible seeds. These include peas, lentils and beans. They are a source of protein, fibre and vitamins and are used in many recipes for purées, soups, stews, salads or quiches.

Pois saison légumesFocus on peas

Peas are herbaceous seeds harvested after they have developed in pods and before they are ripe. Rich in fibre and vitamins, they are valued for their nutritional and energy qualities.

Root vegetables

Root vegetables are characterised by an edible underground root, sometimes called a tuber. This root stores essential nutrients. Examples of root vegetables are carrots, parsnip, turnips, radishes or potatoes.

récoltes carottes légumesFocus on carrots

The carrot is a vegetable plant of the Apiaceae family, cultivated for its edible root. Its texture, which is both crunchy when raw and melt-in-the-mouth when cooked, makes it suitable for a wide range of recipes.


The alliaceae are plants characterised by their edible bulbs and underground stems. This family includes garlic, onions and shallots. Due to the presence of volatile sulphur compounds, they have a particular odour and taste that enhances various dishes.

PoireauxFocus on leek

Leek is a vegetable plant of the Alliaceae family. It is characterised by a hollow, cylindrical stem and several superimposed leaves. The white stem and the tender part of the green stem are the main edible parts. It can be eaten raw, cooked, in soups or gratins, for example.

Where and when are Northern vegetables harvested?

Our products come from the North of France and Belgian Flanders.

In summer, we have harvests of green beans, artichokes, spinach, cabbage, garlic and onions. The peak season for peas is from June to July and from July to October for cauliflower. Finally, autumn is the ideal time to harvest carrots, potatoes and shallots.

What happens after the harvest?

Immediately after harvesting, we wash and process the vegetables. They are then sorted, graded, cut and/or bleached before being frozen. This ensures that the freshness and vitamin content of our products is maintained. They can be stored for up to 24 months at -18°C.


Together with our industrial partner Pasfrost, we have developed cultivation contracts with Vegaplan-certified farmers to guarantee the quality and monitoring of our products. Thanks to this integrated chain, we check the entire process from the field to the plate to ensure perfect traceability of each vegetable.

Our partner production site in Belgium (near the French border) is IFS Food and BRC certified.


Our products are packaged in octobins, blue plastic bags (20Kg or 25Kg) or bulk cartons (10Kg).

Contact us to receive our detailed product range!